Unravel the Reasons for Magento 1 to Magento 2 Migration

4 min read By: Harshal Mazmudar

The growth of ecommerce platforms has been gaining traction over the last few years. Ecommerce players are keen to remain on top of their game.

Magneto 1 will continue to provide support, upgrades, and daily security fixes till June 2020 (but there won’t be any additional new features). Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration will offer a range of creativity in e-commerce platforms, and it is capable of providing innovative incentives. Many leading brands such as Toyota, Foxconnect, Men’s Health, Vizio and many more are migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2.

If you are still running your store on Magento 1 platform, here are the reasons you can consider to safeguard your commerce by Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration.

1. Improved Performance and Scalability:
Magento 2 performance is superior to Magento 1 in all cases. It enhances performance in the below components:

  • Faster web page delivery
  • Boosts response times
  • Amplifies proficiency of back-end
  • Enhances database flexibility to deal with peak loads

2. Seamless Checkout Process:
Compared to Magento 1, and you can get a safe and straightforward checkout experience with Magento 2, it also has the convenience to integrate multiple payment gateways like PayPal and Braintree. It even reduces the checkout time and boosts the conversion rate while lowering the abandon carts.

3. Faster Load Time:
Magento 2 offers a 50% faster page load speed in comparison to Magento 1. The credit to this goes to full-page caching, varnish cache and HTTP accelerator technology provided by Magento 2 in both Enterprise as well as a community edition

4. Improved Admin Interface:
Magento 2 has a thorough dashboard that shows lifetime deals, last orders, top search terms, average orders, check bestsellers & customers, quantity, revenue tax, and shipping, which helps you screen the present condition of your business.

5. Extensions Installation and Upgrades:
Installing and updating new extensions is extremely simple with Magento 2. The credit for this goes to technologies like HTML5, CSS3, Require.js used in Magento 2.

6. Enhanced Customer Experience:
By harnessing the modern tech stack and the cutting-edge features of Magento 2, merchants will be able to deliver enhanced digital commerce experiences to their end customers.

7. Enhanced Security:
Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration focuses on security; it fulfills your crucial requirement for an advanced eCommerce website development. some of the security features are given below:

  • Password Security Using SHA-256 hashing algorithms
  • Incredible 2-Factor Authentication extension
  • Dynamic Backup Plan
  • Optimal Development Environment

Wrapping Up
If the above reasons are not enough, then below stats will surely make you change your thought regarding Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration.
In a comparison of Magento 1 – Magento 2 Offers:

  • 56% Faster Load Time
  • 3X Faster Checkout Process

The transition is imminent, so why wait until June 2020. Reach out to our Magneto Experts who will assist you with seamless Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration.




Magento 1 to Magento 2 Migrationmagento 1 to magento 2 migration serviceMagento 2 migrationmigrating to magento 2

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